and satisfying


Relationship Issues

Relationship Issues Information

We are made to be in relationship with others. Relationships provide love, comfort, support and a sense of belonging. Although, relationships can be the source of pain and frustration. The stress and challenges of life will cause conflict within relationships that at times may feel impossible to resolve.

Are you struggling with your spouse, family member, friend, coworker or a dating relationship? Do you feel anxious or awkward in social settings? Are you desiring to date, but not sure how to date in a healthy way?

Relationship counseling is beneficial if you are experiencing one or more of these feelings in your relationships:

  • Feeling neglected
  • Feeling disrespected by insulting or hurtful remarks
  • Not following through with commitments
  • Being manipulated through guilt, blame or shame
  • Wanting to withdrawal
  • Excessive criticism
  • Controlling your life
  • Awkward in social situation
  • Dating without success

Benefits of addressing relationship issues:

  • Identify old habits of behavior that are not productive
  • Learn healthy boundaries and how to use them
  • Better communication expressing your thoughts and feelings without feeling guilty
  • Learn effective conflict resolution
  • Understand the importance of forgiveness
  • Experience quality time
  • Gain respect
  • Make decisions and strategies for going forward

Can individual counseling help with relationship issues? Absolutely. A change in one person effects the dynamics of relationship resulting in positive change. Schedule an appointment today.

A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Common Questions

Why do people seek therapy?

People choose therapy for many reasons. Some are facing an unexpected crisis, such as a divorce, a death in the family or a dramatic lifestyle change. Others want to explore their personal attitudes, emotions or childhood issues in an effort to launch positive changes in their lives. Still others are trying to conquer stress, anxiety or other problems that are preventing them from finding the joy in their daily lives.

What can therapy do for me?

Therapy can help you to find solutions to problems that are holding you back in life. Through counseling, you can explore issues from your past and begin to set goals for your future. Therapy can help you to clear your mind so that you can realistically appraise your life and make positive changes. You also can learn effective problem-solving techniques, helpful communication methods and other valuable skills.

What can I expect during a session?

Therapy gives you an opportunity to speak to a caring professional about your concerns and begin taking steps to resolve your problems. Counseling sessions are 50 minutes in length, and weekly visits typically are recommended to start and can be adjusted based on your needs. It is important for you to spend time between sessions working on the issues discussed each week.

Common Questions Jamie

"Two years ago my life came to a crashing downfall. I was filled with pain, guilt, and confusion of the things that had occurred in my life . A friend recommended that I seek out a therapist to help me during this time. I was very resistant- I never would have consider "ME" the type to sit on a couch and discuss my life's issues. Nevertheless, I did and I found Jamie. Honestly the pain was so piercing that I didn't care what Jamie had to say. I sat on the couch week after week, in a complete daze; sometimes, even being very antagonistic to Jamie. I vocally questioned if she could help someone like me. After about six months, the answer became so clear and it was yes. Jamie worked through my hurt and my frustrations. She listened without judgment. When I gave up, she fought for my healing. Jamie's tenacious spirit allowed me to gradually open up. I am very blessed to have a therapist who is passionate and concerned about my well- being."