Balance the

of life

Stress Management

Stress Management Information

In today's world, stress is something most of us can't escape. There are triggers for stress all around us, from the pressures of our hectic schedules to noisy traffic jams to overwhelming job demands. Sometimes it may feel the stress is more than we can handle, and our lives may seem out of balance or even out of control.

Chronic stress is more than just an inconvenience. When we are unable to manage our stress, we can suffer serious medical and psychological problems. Many of us ignore moderate levels of stress and come to accept life's pressures as normal. However, this approach won't make our stress go away and it may make matters much worse.

Symptoms of chronic stress:

  • Physical Health Problems - Headaches, chest pain, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, stroke and heart disease can stem from high stress levels
  • Mental Health Issues - Depression, anxiety disorders and suicidal feelings may result from too much stress
  • Moodiness - Stress can cause you to be moody, irritable or angry
  • Self-Destructive Behaviors - Some people try to escape stress through substance abuse, gambling, pornography or other negative choices
  • Inability to Concentrate - Stress can make it harder for us to think clearly and to concentrate

Our careers, marriages and personal relationships can suffer when we don't know how to handle the stress in our lives. Although it may be impossible for us to eliminate the things that cause us stress, there are many ways for us to make our lives more manageable. Stress counseling can teach us how to recognize warning signs that we are feeling stressed and can help us to develop strategies for coping. Counseling also can introduce beneficial stress management skills, communication styles and relaxation techniques.

Benefits of stress management counseling:

  • Good Health - By being proactive about stress management, you can avoid serious mental and physical health problems
  • Happiness - Stress management will help you to decrease your feelings of anger and increase your level of contentment
  • Better Problem Solving - Decreasing your stress levels will allow you to think more clearly, increase your concentration and become more focused
  • Improved Relationships - As your mood improves, your relationships with coworkers and family members also should improve

Our lives will never be stress-free. The everyday demands of our jobs, our marriages and our busy schedules will always present occasions for stress. With the support of licensed counselor Jamie Leonard, you can learn how to manage your stress so it doesn't defeat you. Schedule an appointment today.

Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Common Questions

Why do people seek therapy?

People choose therapy for many reasons. Some are facing an unexpected crisis, such as a divorce, a death in the family or a dramatic lifestyle change. Others want to explore their personal attitudes, emotions or childhood issues in an effort to launch positive changes in their lives. Still others are trying to conquer stress, anxiety or other problems that are preventing them from finding the joy in their daily lives.

What can therapy do for me?

Therapy can help you to find solutions to problems that are holding you back in life. Through counseling, you can explore issues from your past and begin to set goals for your future. Therapy can help you to clear your mind so that you can realistically appraise your life and make positive changes. You also can learn effective problem-solving techniques, helpful communication methods and other valuable skills.

What can I expect during a session?

Therapy gives you an opportunity to speak to a caring professional about your concerns and begin taking steps to resolve your problems. Counseling sessions are 50 minutes in length, and weekly visits typically are recommended to start and can be adjusted based on your needs. It is important for you to spend time between sessions working on the issues discussed each week.

Common Questions Jamie

"When I walked into Jamie's office, I knew I had come to the right place. My personal life was a mess and I began looking for a therapist that was kind, loving, intuitive and someone I would feel comfortable telling some difficult things to. She is the one!!! Every time I left her office I felt like I had accomplished something and things were so much more clear. She helped me with the many changes going on in my life and I now love that person in the mirror….I highly recommend Jamie."